world's largest battery(power pack). - Techaid360


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world's largest battery(power pack).

world's largest battery(power pack).

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Tesla US electric car-maker has finished the installation of the world biggest lithium-ion battery in Australia. The project which they started in 2015. The 100 megawatt battery is said to produce about enough energy to power an estimate of about 30,000 homes for few hours. The company is now working hard and fast to meet the 100 days connection agreement which, was sign on 29 of Sep 2015 or risk giving the state free electricity. The good news is the company is more than ready since it was  half way into the project before the signing of the deal, the bad news is well according to premier jay Wetherill’s in his statement "While others are just talking, we are delivering our energy plan, making South Australia more self-sufficient, and providing back up power and more affordable energy for South Australians this summer,” he didn't mention how much will be charged for the battery. Considering the investment plan of the project was $500million

wow, welcome to a world where technology is growing to unimaginable level 
who know what next maybe a giant electric iron 😄😄😄, Thumb up to TESLA
check out the video on Power Pack battery

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